Love Yourself 101: Personal Care
You need to take care of yourself. A lot of people forget how to take care of themselves especially in times of crisis like this. But these days, a lot of people seem to have already forgotten how to take care of themselves. Personal care is really important a personal care does not only mean physical wellbeing but also mental and emotional states. If you feel lost these days and you do not know how to give yourself proper personal care, here are some personal care tips that you may do.

- Read a lot of books, magazines, articles, newspapers, et cetera. Reading books helps expand our knowledge. Aside from that, you can also get a lot of tips from articles such as how to save money, and the likes. When you are feeling down and lost, self-help books can also help.
- Monitor your hygiene. You may no longer brush your teeth or take baths because you may have less interest in taking good care of yourself anymore. But your good hygiene is a must.
- Always challenge yourself and encourage yourself to follow your hopes and dreams. This is really helpful to have some purpose in life and to keep your mental health in check.
- Eat healthily. Do not just eat whatever and monitor the things you eat. Hospital bills are more expensive than healthy food. It’s okay to eat fast food from time to time but always check your diet.
- Exercise. You have to keep moving. This is to keep your body in great condition to be able to do different kinds of tasks and to be healthy.
- Get enough sleep. This quarantine, you have all the time in the world. You no longer have to stay up late to do tasks because you can do them anytime. Make sure you get adequate sleep.
These are just some personal care tips that you can do to be healthy mentally, physically, and emotionally. Do not forget to love yourself!
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